The Silence Kills…



How do you avoid the silence that is deafening?

You know why man needs to be a social animal?  Because sometimes, that is the only way to avoid that silence that starts to speak up, slowly slowly, raising it’s voice, until it becomes too loud for you… And you can’t avoid it anymore… It succumbs you; first as a friend and then as a cruel killer… You can’t avoid it… You can hear your surroundings, but somehow those voices disappear in the silence and you can still see them talking you can still feel a part of you trying to hear and reach out to them and avoid the silence… but the silence is too strong… and you really need someone, who is determined enough to help you get out — who can silence the silence…  And until that someone comes, just live with it… Fight with it every day … e.v.e.r.y  s.i.n.g.l.e  d.a.y …

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